

We are invested in OUR future....help us to fall forward not behind
MBES Needs your support....

What is...
Project Possible
MBES is a top ranked elementary school in our local community with multiple academic and non-academic programs for the overall physical and mental growth of its students.
The K-5 STEM program is one such program. It introduces science/ technology/ engineering and math in elementary school and helps students prepare better for middle and high school.
However, despite being highly praised by both parents and students, the K-5 STEM program was not able to continue in the 2021-22 school year. MBES is passionate and fully invested in reviving this program for the 2021 -2022 school year and needs community and corporate support to bring it back.
PURBASHA is a socio-cultural organization registered as a non-profit under IRS code 501(3)(C) . We are a close-knit family of passionate people who take great pride in both celebrating our rich cultural heritage and working for the common welfare of the local community.
With the above in mind, Purbasha has volunteered to lend a helping hand to Medlock Bridge Elementary school ( MBES) to support its K-5 STEM program.
Purbasha is walking hand in hand with MBES on this cause and wants no kid to miss out this great opportunity. We request you to support our efforts and generously donate to help bring back this program for MBES students.
Play the video on the left to hear the passionate request from Principal, Mr. Matthew Vance.
Check Payable to "Medlock Bridge Elementary School PTO".
Mark the Check "For" - "MBES-PURBASHA-STEM." Check can be post marked to the below address:10215 Medlock Bridge Pkwy, Johns Creek, GA 30022
Our STEM Center of Excellence
These Kids cannot be left behind....Donate to bring back STEM at MBES
Check Payable to "Medlock Bridge Elementary School PTO".
Mark the Check "For" - "MBES-PURBASHA-STEM." Check can be post marked to the below address:10215 Medlock Bridge Pkwy, Johns Creek, GA 30022

Medlock Bridge Elementary School
Address: 10215 Medlock Bridge Pkwy, Johns Creek, GA 30022
Email(Principal): vancem@fultonschools.org